Feeding 5,000
Building on this Sunday's gospel reading, where Jesus fed 5,000 from five loaves and two fish (Matthew 14:13-21), the Beijing North Cathedral young adult fellowship's core group showed a strengthened resolve. Founded in 2002, the fellowship's mission is "to help young adults establish a personal relationship with Christ." Under the spiritual direction of Father Liu Zhe (Roger), the group meets every Sunday afternoon before the North Cathedral's young adult mass for group prayer, bible study, guest lectures, and service projects.
For many years I have served as an advisor to this fellowship, providing leadership training and teaching classes on life application of Christian principles. Today we reflected on how Jesus fed 5,000 people from just five loaves and two fish. How can he multiply our efforts, if we have faith that he will use our gifts to carry out his will?
After studying and bible verse and watching this bilingual music video of Corrinne May's Five Loaves and Two Fishes, the group discussed how we can magnify our efforts by faith and humility. By surrendering what little we have to God, he can use us to go great things, both in our personal lives and as a group. We hope you are inspired by Jesus' miracle as well.